Technical Documentation In The Tech Space

Table of Contents

What is Technical Writing?

What is Technical Documentation?

Examples of Technical Documentation


What Is Technical Writing?

Technical Writing is a type of writing with the sole aim of simplifying complex technical terms into simpler terms.

Technical writers are the middle men in the tech space between the complex technology language, developers and the users who make use of these products and services.

Technical writers write with the aim of simplifying complex things and sharing knowledge.

What is Technical Documentation?

Technical Documentation refers to any document that explains the creation, instructions, use and functionality of a product or service.

Technical documentation involves capturing all the necessary information for product/service from the developers/manufacturers and breaking down the technical information, instructions and presenting the information in an easy-to-read way for the users.

Documentation of information can be done through manuals, tutorials, videos and how-to guides.

A wide variety of industries create technical documentation as common practice and they include:

  • Software Development

  • Medical and Health Care

  • Financial Services

  • Engineering and Heavy Machinery

  • Consumer Products etc.

Examples Of Technical Documentation

In the tech space there are several types/forms of Technical Documentation that pass Information as clearly as possible for intended users and they are stated below.

User Guide Manual

This Manual is used to interpret highly technical data and simplify it in a user friendly language that can be understood by general audience. It is a step-by-step manual which includes application use, product descriptions ,do’s and don’ts ,assemble instructions, functionality and more.

White Paper

White Paper is an authoritative guide or report that explains the benefits of the solutions a product/service does. White paper is used in tech to help recommend a certain route or pattern that is the best way to get solution to a particular problem or challenge.

Software Development Kit (SDK)

SDK is a set of programs and software tools that provide the developer with the ability to build specific applications/app which can be added or connected to another program. SDK enhances apps with more functions. With SDK new tools are built efficiently on the already existing program.

Examples of SDK

  • iOS SDK
  • Microsoft Windows SDK
  • Java Development Kit

Application Programming Interface (API)

API is a software interface with distinct functions that allows two or more programs to communicate with each other. API is often used to refer to web API’s which is an application programming interface for a web server or web browser. API documentation explains how developers can integrate other products with your product using an API (Application Programming Interface).

Onboarding Guides: Onboarding Guides documentation show the process where new hires are integrated into an organization. It shows the basic and complex guides about the company. These guides help introduce one to the company policies, how to do and guidelines.

Repair Manuals

Repair Manuals are technical documents that explain the correct way to fix a damaged product. Customers need them to navigate hardware problems or a combination of issues.

When users deal with these kinds of situations, it’s helpful to have a clear and concise information available to take them through repairs quickly and efficiently. To create an efficient repair manual, one needs to anticipate every kind of product damage, problems encountered and bugs the customers may face.

Test Schedules

This is the documentation of every steps and result obtained from testing a new product. It shows how the test is reviewed, tracked and approved. Test schedules help developers see the faults and improvement from a new product in order to come out with a better and perfect product. It is used to measure the properties and performance of a product

RFPs and Proposals

A Request for Proposal (RFPs) is a document that announces a project and solicits funds for it. Proposals are documents that persuade customers or investors to buy a product/service. Companies use both to attract their ideal business partners, whether that’s vendors, investors, or customers. Key points like the project overview, company background, project scope, strengths and weakness and goals are in both documents

Case Studies

In Case Studies are documents that teach in depth about a subject, product or service and give expository to it. A case study is used to outline the company's success history in creating solutions to users' problems. It is similar to White Paper but the difference is - White Paper gives more details. Case Study convinces the customers to buy the good or service and marketing is a strategy to attract consumers.

Standard Operating Procedures

An SOP is a document that shows the sequence of steps that describes the activities necessary to complete tasks in accordance with industry regulations, provincial laws or standards for running a business. Any document that is a “how to” falls into the category of procedures. SOP is a document that shows the step-by-step procedures to get results.

Policies and Procedures These documents include policies and guidelines that govern the organization to help protect the company against law suits from issues that arises. It protects the company from unlawful law suits from users that claim unawareness or infringements of rights.

Release Notes Release notes are written to inform and notify users about product changes, update, specific adjustments that will affect the user experience either minor and major. It is the documentation released alongside the launch of a new software or product upgrade, bug fixing and feature update.


As a Technical Writer, it is important to bear in mind that new forms of documentations are required as technology advances and so, there is need to always be abreast with the different types. As a Technical Writer coming up with new methods of documentation, there should never be a problem; all that needs to be done is to properly study the product or service, understand the product, do extensive research and come up with a documentation that caters to the said product or service.